

"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." ~Gandalf the Grey ~

Monday, July 23, 2018

Lexi Girl

And now to introduce the four exceptionally tall Hobbit children. Each child deserves their own post because they are so incredible and talented and need to be in the spotlight. Also, I have neglected my blogging duties for the past 7 months and want to document each child's There and Back Again experiences that I've missed. I will begin with the eldest, Alexis. How do you describe a girl like Lexi? She is smart, sassy, funny, thoughtful, confident, silly, beautiful and talented. She was destined to be an older sister to 3 rambunctious little brothers because she is, almost always, so patient and good to them. She used to beg and beg to have a younger sister, but alas, the odds were never in her favor. So what has the charming Miss Lexi Shea Shea Shanaynay been up to this last half of her Sophomore year of high school? Prepare to be amazed by her talents and accomplishments!
Lexi is an athlete and loves to go to any Open Gym, any time. She never complains about early morning practices or when she goes straight from volleyball practice to track practice. She is a Middle Blocker on the High School Volleyball team. She's a real team player and rarely makes silly mistakes. She's very good at keeping her head in the game and not letting mistakes break her concentration. She also plays club volleyball so the season doesn't ever really end. She doesn't care though because she loves to play anywhere, anytime! She doesn't love it however, when her mom starts yelling at line judges so there's been a bit of a learning curve there for some of us. Ahem.... This past year she also decided to join the track team. Initially she was just doing High Jump but then got talked into also throwing Javelin. She made huge progress during her first season and even got invited to the BYU Invitational in high jump which requires fairly difficult qualifying jumps. Next year she wants to try a few more events, possibly long jump and maybe a sprint distance or two.

Alexis is also very musical. She plays the Trumpet in two High School audition only bands, Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble. She has had a few mic solos which are scary but she does a great job. Lexi also plays the piano. Poor child had her mother as her piano teacher, but somehow we made it through the tough spots and she has become quite a good pianist. She is now to the point where she just prints out her own sheet music and teaches herself. Occasionally she will ask for a bit of help, but usually she can sight read well enough on her own. She prints so much music I sometimes wonder if I should invest in an ink cartridge company!

This summer has been eventful for Alexis. She has reached the age where she tests the strength of her mother's courage. In other words, she has a learners permit and I have to take her driving. The first several such adventures were truly terrifying and there were a few construction barrels that had a close call with destruction, but with time, and practice, I barely have to hang on to the You Know What Handle anymore. She has now done her time in the Driver's Ed car and last week she passed the Driver's Ed test. Now we just have to wait until her birthday in August and she can start driving her brothers to soccer practice! There are, apparently, perks to teaching your children life skills, even if it does seem like you have to defy death to do it!

Also this summer Lexi was asked to join the Price Youth City Council. She meets periodically with other exceptional youth from the city to plan and implement activities that will benefit our city and especially the youth in the community. It's an exciting opportunity for her to be able to contribute to the community and experience public service. She hasn't done a lot with it yet, but she has some great ideas and a lot of enthusiasm for the project. Alexis and I went on a grand adventure this summer to Washington D.C. Lexi won Honorable Mention at the State History Fair for her website on The Newsboys Strike of 1899 (the event that the Newsies play/movie is based on) so she was invited to go to the National History Day Fair in D.C. Of course, I had to go with her! We had such a fantastic time and learned so much. It was an amazing Mother/Daughter bonding experience and I'm so glad we decided to go. Hopefully there will be a post later devoted just to our trip because there is too much to do it justice in this post. I certainly lucked out getting a daughter like Lexi. She makes me happy every single day and there's not a lot of people who can probably say that about their teenage daughters! She's definitely my Favorite......Daughter!

1 comment:

  1. Lexi, like her mom is very inspirational and hard working. She is the kind of person that will accomplishes anything that she puts her mind to. It was a pleasure to teach her and to coach her on Mont Harmon's quiz bowl team, two years ago. She will continue to do great things in the years to come.
    Go Lexi! -J. C
